



What sites can you order from that do not require a zip code to match credit card? What websites don’t verify billing addresses?

What websites don’t verify billing addresses? 
The answer to the question depends on the amount being charged, as different website owners have varying levels of discretion in allowing orders with mismatched zip codes.

While some websites may permit such orders, others may customize their checkout process to reject them.

It's important to note that website owners are accountable to their banks and may need to provide an explanation for unusual transactions. If an order with a mismatched zip code is allowed, the owner may need to justify it to the bank before the funds are released to their account.

Established businesses may have an easier time convincing the bank to release funds, but the owner is ultimately responsible if the credit card is reported stolen or if a chargeback is filed.

Therefore, website owners are typically cautious and consider the amount being charged before allowing an order to go through.

In general, it's uncommon for someone to not have the correct billing information for the credit card they are using. Thus, if the billing information doesn't match, the website owner may question the customer and possibly reject the order based on their explanation.
